Sunday, November 29, 2015


It doesn't matter how many times you failed before what matters is that you never give up. This journey has been really hard and challenging for me but each time I given up I discovered another reason to come back stronger. Before I gave up because I was afraid to be around people, I guess you can call it Social Anxiety. But also it had to do a lot with laziness. I will find any little excuse to stay home and do nothing but play video games. I will eat ice cream and play video games for over 12 hours everyday.  I had to learn the hard way I'm the only one stopping my self from the things I want. I really want to turn my life around and make my health a priority is not jus the fact I also want to look good lol. It was hard for me to start lifting 15 pounds in this move and watching everyone one else lifting 100s. Just watching my friends lift heavier then me it made me feel a little down, but once I started to focus in me again everything changed. I started to remind my self that this is my journey and I stopped comparing my progress to theirs. Currently lifting 75s and loving the changes and progress. It's been 31 days straight since I started working out consistently and not slowing down. From here I am more determine to become the man God created me to be. 

To all my badasses out there start believing in you again and start slowly. You will reach your goals as long as you consistently show up to your game. Create a game plan and follow it. Take care and God bless you and remember there is Greatness inside you!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Have Faith, Not Fear!

Today was one of those days I really had to dig down to get through it. We all have this two voices in our heads and I like to call them the hater and the winner. Today the hater was trying to ruin my day with a lot of negative self talk. Saying things like you are not good enough, you don't have the strength, you failed in the past and look at you 3 weeks in the gym and you are not getting results. I have to be aware when this is happening because before I will stay in bed and eat Pizza and Ice cream to feel better. Now I decided to take a different approach and is call personal development. 

I read books that focuses on rewiring your brain or re programing and as crazy as it sounds. It has helped me a lot because of all the new Ideas that I find in the books. There is one book in particular that I am reading at the moment, and this book it's called "The Charge" by Brendon Burchard. Many of the ideas that he shares in the book are not really unfamiliar to me, but the way he breaks it down it's so easy to Understand and put into practice. 

This journey has many challenges but most importantly it has shown me all the parts that make me who I am, the good and the bad. I have come into terms with the fact I am very lazy and a procrastinator. I will look for any excuse not to do the things I need to do to move forward. It's not easy but I found that coaching other people has helped me stay accountable to my Fitness Goals. Since I have a lot of people that look up to me. 

Whatever it is you are struggling in your life at this moment. God is using this storm to help you become stronger, and although you may not understand this at the moment. It will become clear when the right time comes. So stay faithful, remember to do your workout, drink your water and eat healthy. And if you can pick up the book I mentioned here today. I know this is going to be of great help to you as well. One more thing just remember you are not alone in this journey

Have Faith, not Fear!! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step

I believe that taking the first step in your Journey is the hardest part. For the most part because we already have created this image in our minds that you simply can't do it. Developing this Toxic and Negative image of yourself has taken a lot of years. As i look back in my life, I still can remember some of this moments where I experience Doubt, Fear , and Failure. And the occasional I told you so from a family member.

For many years I struggle with Depression and Obesity. As long as I can remember I have always been the big guy. And all the names and titles that come with this. For a long time I was usually call hey big guy, you are so cute and chubby. This remark had a tremendous impact in the why I felt about my self. I never felt pretty or good enough. 

It has been many moons since then, but now as I have grown closer to God. I began to discover a new Identity. As his favorite child, I was created for Greatness and nothing less. That all the talents, abilities and beauty was deposited in me, and so it has been deposited in you as well. But like in any other journey the Journey of a thousand miles will take a first step. This first step is gonna place you in a path of self discovery and love for yourself. Where the opinions of others will o longer affect you. Because you know have discover a new Identity in christ.

This Journey began  for me through fitness. With the hope of losing weight. The first round I was able to lose over 40 pounds, but slowly gained it back. All because I fail to do it the right way. I was still avoiding the emotions inside my heart, the fear of failure was still present, and my emotions were controlling my life.

I found my self shaky and inconsistent with my Workouts and Nutrition. But now is time to really confront this  emotions and become the best version of my self that I know is inside me. If it wasn't so the Devil will not be fighting so hard from keeping me from my blessing.

This post is a statement that a new me is in town and that I'm owning my decisions moving forward. I will become the best version that God has created me to be!!

Just a Guy... who Cares. Man of faith, Family 1st, Entrepreneur, Motivation and Inspiration. Health