Friday, June 24, 2016

"The Power of Your Story"

As Beachbody Coaches we are independent business owners. We all offer the same products, same prices, and services. But you may be asking yourself. So what separates me from the rest of the coaches in the network. The answer to this question is this. They are 400+ thousand coaches in the network and every Coach has a different "STORY"

Your story separates you, it gives you and advantage over me and others. Only you can attract the right people in to your Life and Business. Embrace your past, your set backs, your Failures! Because all these unique experiences, is what sets your apart. 

Today I want to share a little bit about my story. To give you an idea of where I come from. 

My name is Juan Jose Castillo, I am 27 years old. I am the son of the most high, a brother, a mentor and a Coach. I was born in Dominican Republic and came to the United States, when I was 11 years old. From an early age I knew my purpose was to help others, I just didn't know where to start. Sometime around my 14th birthday I discovered I was undocumented. I was a great student, but soon I discovered all my Dreams and Hopes were destroyed. I was a straight A student, but when I discovered I could not work and there was a chance I will have to go back to my country I gave up, I gave up in I gave up on my dreams, hopes, and Life! 

I left my house when I was around 15 years old. I moved in with a woman that introduced me to a new lifestyle. I grew up in a negative environment. Surrounded by people who bullied me and put me down. I had many I securities at that time. When I arrived at Florida, I realized this new lifestyle was totally different. I was surrounded by drugs and alcohol, because of the values my father gave me. It took me a while to give in, but I ended up drinking everyday and doing drugs. 

At one point I decided to come back to New York. One of the hardest decisions I ever made because I felt like a Failure and I had to admit I made a mistake. When I came back home, I went back to the same Job I hated, which was my uncle stored. The place I was told I will never leave and always put down. 

I remember those days vividly, I will put on my headphones and walk the streets, I will cross them without looking to the sides, with the hopes a car or a truck will end my Life. I didn't care, I didn't want to live. I lived like that until I was around my 23rd birthday and that's when I decided to start making some changes. I decided to take action in my life. 

I prayed so much to God to end my life, to take the pain I felt inside. Everyday I battle with depression, suicide thoughts. I will drink from 7am until I passed out, and everyday I will do the same. But through all those years God kept me alive. At the time I didn't know but everyday God provided me with the strength to go on for one more day. 

In 2014 I started my fitness Journey and lost over 60 pounds. Little by little People started asking me for help, and I helped them get start it. I could now shut up about the program I did or Beachbody. In 2015 I met my coach, who introduced me to the business opportunity and I officially became a coach. 

For the first time in my life I felt proud, because I believe in the programs, I believe in the values of the company, I believe in my team and most importantly I  started to believe in my self for the first time. Fast Forward 2 years and now I'm the leader of a one star diamond team, with over 500 members. But all of this has happened because God had a plan for my life, a plan I'm still aligning everyday. I'm a man of God on a mission to help others become the best version they can be. A messenger of Hope, showing others is possible! 

If God was able to turn my Life around, to use all the things I was a shame of my past and turned in to a testimony. Imagine what a God has in store for you. Imagine what you can, imagine how many people you can inspire. 

Embrace your story, embrace who you are, but most importantly believe it with all your Heart! You can accomplish anything you want. There is greatness inside YOU!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Never stopped Dreaming

For a long time I was asked my self what was I created for, what was my purpose in those planet? I know even from an early age I used to ask my self this question all the time. And you maybe asking yourself, really Juan! And early age. Yes!! As far as I can remember I always thought about those things. 

Sometime around my 15th birthday things started turning around. I started seen my world the way it truly was. There was not hope, or future for me. And I felt really depressed, I felt down, I felt hopeless. This let me to make a ton of bad choices that will later on have an impact on my life both negatively for a time, but overal it will be the foundation of my life now. 

Today has been an incredible day for me in my journey as a Beachbody Coach. I reached 16,000 followers on my Intagram. And that's a huge milestone for me as a person and business. I always consider my self a shy person, and introvert at heart. And I never imagined this will happen to me. But honestly God works in mysterious ways and that's the best I can describe what's happening in my Life! 

Coaching has forever changed my life in a really meaningful way. It has given my life purpose, mission, but must importantly HOPE! Now I look forward to wake up every morning to pay it forward. To work hard to achieve my dreams. My biggest hope is to help others also discover this incredible opportunity so they can to set their souls on Fire!

Helping others has always been my calling, from a young age I knew this in my heart. Where ever you are now in your life there's always more, push yourself to be more, to do more, and to live a life of significance! 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Intentional living

On my way to work today I was thinking about this phrase "In Life, is not what we get that makes us valuable. Is what we become in the Process." I read it in the book "Intentional Living" by John C. Maxwell. 

As I was on the way to work I kept reflecting about my fitness journey and how much o have grown because of it. Often we focus so much in the scale and we determine the value of our progress according to what the number on the scale says. But we overlook how far we have commend grown in the process.

In the end all that matters is the man or woman you become, that's were you will discover the real value of your Life. For me this journey of losing weight and becoming a Beachbody Coach has opened so many doors that it would not be possible other wise. 

God ultimate plan will be reveal in stages. All we can do is remain and allow him to do his work in us. Before you can move into the next season or that place you want to go. You must get on your knees and deal with your own dirt first. 

My hope today is that you will identify with my story to allow you to do something different. To take action, and to start becoming intentional about your Life. Dream more, be more, do more !! 

Just a Guy... who Cares. Man of faith, Family 1st, Entrepreneur, Motivation and Inspiration. Health